Saturday, March 8, 2014

Psychic Vampires

Gotta watch out for them! We've all come across them. People in your life that seem to TAKE all your energy while giving NOTHING in return. They're called 'psychic vampires' or 'energy leeches'.  In my mind, they are naught but symbols of the Pythagorean demons or gate keepers that one must battle on the path to enlightenment.

I've come across several in my life. I'm just going to point out a couple key characteristics:

- They play stupid and desperate, even though they are extremely intelligent

- They constantly exude poverty, sickness and/or depression. Some may be all those things, but usually it's a method of inducing generosity and favors. This is something that they learn to do as a child.

- they constantly put you in awkward and embarrassing situations, especially in public.

- if they are good vampires, they will have a few other victims who will usually always be around them. They are great at maintaining false 'friendships' to veil their need to feed.

- you have given much to them (money, clothes, shelter, gigs, connections/other friends, emotional support) and have received nothing in return.

- they are especially absent when you are in a bind or have your back against the wall.

- you spend a lot of time around them, but they always seem to have lots of things going on that you are in the dark about.

The only way to avoid permanent mental comatose via psychic vampire is to either cut them off completely or reverse the situation. Either, it's in your interest to guard your time and energy from such people.

I avoid reversing the situation because I firmly believe that most energy leeches are suffering from either past trauma or mental disability.

However, if you believe you've been wronged, you can take the vampire for everything he's got. This way you may replenish lost blood (energy, time, money). Seeing himself in another destroys him.


I'd rather avoid them altogether.

Everyone on the planet takes and gives energy, but vampires are those whose survival is based upon draining others of their life-force.

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