Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fail Like a Boss

from an email i got this morning:

""ah yes. failed my motorcycle test like a boss today. now im gonna pass it next time around and burn some rubber...."

Ah, how these words warm my soul in this cold season. It's like a sip of coquito on a snowy day, or a good IPA after a hard day's work. Failure. The essence of success. The key to achievement. 

Everyone seems to be afraid of failure, settling for less to avoid confronting any situation where they may have their backs against the wall. 

Hence the popularity of FAIL videos:

Go ahead. Laugh. Enjoy them!

But make sure you are doing some failing in your life.

"I'm afraid to lose all my money!"
"I'm afraid it's not gonna work!"
"I'm afraid she won't be into me!"
"I'm afraid if I try to fix it, I'll just make it worse!"

That's all just you being a PUSSY and having NO BALLS.
I'm tired of hearing everyone talking about all the things they WISH they could do.

EVERYONE falls the first time

Gotta love Morpheus' words: "You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt and disbelief. FREE YOUR MIND."

There is no spoon. There is no Matrix. There is no Illuminati.

Start that business.
Start that band.
Go to that place you've always wanted.
Ask that girl for her number.
Stand up to that bully.
Try out for the team.
Whatever it is, when you fail at it, get up, brush your shoulders off and TRY AGAIN like a BOSS.

There is you and there is what you're willing to do. What do you WANT and are you willing to GET IT?

Yes, humans are imperfect, but you embrace the imperfection by embracing FAIL. You must FAIL to WIN.

Will the sheep point and laugh? Yes.
Will anyone pat you on the back for succeeding? No.

The sheep will always come up with excuses for your winning. They will find any reason to NOT TRY. and why do I talk about this? Because this 'fear of failure' is conducive to many of the silent weapons used to keep the masses in check.

Credit cards, college, insurance, big government: all results of human fear.

"I need it just in case I run out of money" which is like saying "I need it just in case the sun doesn't come up" or "I need it just in case the oceans dry up". Money is the enslaver of the masses, it will never run out, it is as abundant as the sunshine and ocean water. Yet, a lifetime of DEBT is IMPOSSIBLE to overcome. Fear money and act on it and you will be enslaved by it. What starts as 'just in case' becomes  "I need good credit" to 'I'll put it on my card' becomes "I have negative money" becomes 'I'm completely fucked".

I've been 'talked to' many times about this. "You need good credit to buy a house and lease a car." Fuck off. You don't buy shit, you borrow. A mortgage is a debt. Even the word 'mortgage' has DEATH in it's etymology. "But, you put the responsibility on the bank, on the dealership, on the OTHER PERSON".

If you think that avoiding responsibilities by borrowing money is a valid suggestion, then here's my suggestion:

I can't afford to buy a house. Therefore I rent. "But then you're not MAKING any money in return" In return for what? I'm tired of this stupid argument. 

It's quite simple. I work for 3 things:
if I had a kid, I'd work for him/her to have all these things too.

I don't need to borrow $300,000 to make money. I can make rent with a couple hours of hustling a week and I'm fine with that. The day I have enough to buy/build a house, I will do just that. and if something happens and I'm in need of debt-notes, I'll do what I've always done! HUSTLE, WORK, GET THE WORM, HUNT DOWN THE GAZELLE, DO WHAT I GOT TO DO! and if worse comes to worse, there's always flippin burgers or working cruise ships. My point is that DEBT is NEVER an answer. You cannot borrow to get ahead. That is the simple answer. Your grandpa may have sold his house for double what he got it for, but guess what, the dollar is worth an eighth of what it was worth when he bought so it DON'T MEAN SHIT!

"I need a degree because it's harder to get a job without one." It's out of hand folks. This is not logical. The only jobs that REQUIRE degrees are SLAVE JOBS. They know that if you graduated from a school nobody can afford that you are in debt and are more likely to be an obedient slave who will take it up the sphincter everyday because you NEED the money. Skills pay the bills. It is nothing but conditioning to think that you HAVE to go to college to make a living. College is a conditioning center. Also, does $130k debt with interest justify making it 'easier' to get a job? It's beyond illogical. Debt = slavery.




My friend is probably gonna send me a pic of him riding his motorcycle down the PCH or something.

He desired to ride the motorcycle.
The sheep inside him probably told him the usual bullshit: You can hurt yourself. You've never done this. This isn't like riding a car. You're gonna have to take classes and a test to get a license, that requires a lot of time and money..
The BOSS inside him said 'fuck it, where do I sign up?'. Did he fail? Yes. Will he feel like a winner when he's having the time of his life? Yes.

and here's a Hall of Fame of people who FAILED their way to success:

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