Saturday, March 8, 2014

Psychic Vampires

Gotta watch out for them! We've all come across them. People in your life that seem to TAKE all your energy while giving NOTHING in return. They're called 'psychic vampires' or 'energy leeches'.  In my mind, they are naught but symbols of the Pythagorean demons or gate keepers that one must battle on the path to enlightenment.

I've come across several in my life. I'm just going to point out a couple key characteristics:

- They play stupid and desperate, even though they are extremely intelligent

- They constantly exude poverty, sickness and/or depression. Some may be all those things, but usually it's a method of inducing generosity and favors. This is something that they learn to do as a child.

- they constantly put you in awkward and embarrassing situations, especially in public.

- if they are good vampires, they will have a few other victims who will usually always be around them. They are great at maintaining false 'friendships' to veil their need to feed.

- you have given much to them (money, clothes, shelter, gigs, connections/other friends, emotional support) and have received nothing in return.

- they are especially absent when you are in a bind or have your back against the wall.

- you spend a lot of time around them, but they always seem to have lots of things going on that you are in the dark about.

The only way to avoid permanent mental comatose via psychic vampire is to either cut them off completely or reverse the situation. Either, it's in your interest to guard your time and energy from such people.

I avoid reversing the situation because I firmly believe that most energy leeches are suffering from either past trauma or mental disability.

However, if you believe you've been wronged, you can take the vampire for everything he's got. This way you may replenish lost blood (energy, time, money). Seeing himself in another destroys him.


I'd rather avoid them altogether.

Everyone on the planet takes and gives energy, but vampires are those whose survival is based upon draining others of their life-force.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fail Like a Boss

from an email i got this morning:

""ah yes. failed my motorcycle test like a boss today. now im gonna pass it next time around and burn some rubber...."

Ah, how these words warm my soul in this cold season. It's like a sip of coquito on a snowy day, or a good IPA after a hard day's work. Failure. The essence of success. The key to achievement. 

Everyone seems to be afraid of failure, settling for less to avoid confronting any situation where they may have their backs against the wall. 

Hence the popularity of FAIL videos:

Go ahead. Laugh. Enjoy them!

But make sure you are doing some failing in your life.

"I'm afraid to lose all my money!"
"I'm afraid it's not gonna work!"
"I'm afraid she won't be into me!"
"I'm afraid if I try to fix it, I'll just make it worse!"

That's all just you being a PUSSY and having NO BALLS.
I'm tired of hearing everyone talking about all the things they WISH they could do.

EVERYONE falls the first time

Gotta love Morpheus' words: "You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt and disbelief. FREE YOUR MIND."

There is no spoon. There is no Matrix. There is no Illuminati.

Start that business.
Start that band.
Go to that place you've always wanted.
Ask that girl for her number.
Stand up to that bully.
Try out for the team.
Whatever it is, when you fail at it, get up, brush your shoulders off and TRY AGAIN like a BOSS.

There is you and there is what you're willing to do. What do you WANT and are you willing to GET IT?

Yes, humans are imperfect, but you embrace the imperfection by embracing FAIL. You must FAIL to WIN.

Will the sheep point and laugh? Yes.
Will anyone pat you on the back for succeeding? No.

The sheep will always come up with excuses for your winning. They will find any reason to NOT TRY. and why do I talk about this? Because this 'fear of failure' is conducive to many of the silent weapons used to keep the masses in check.

Credit cards, college, insurance, big government: all results of human fear.

"I need it just in case I run out of money" which is like saying "I need it just in case the sun doesn't come up" or "I need it just in case the oceans dry up". Money is the enslaver of the masses, it will never run out, it is as abundant as the sunshine and ocean water. Yet, a lifetime of DEBT is IMPOSSIBLE to overcome. Fear money and act on it and you will be enslaved by it. What starts as 'just in case' becomes  "I need good credit" to 'I'll put it on my card' becomes "I have negative money" becomes 'I'm completely fucked".

I've been 'talked to' many times about this. "You need good credit to buy a house and lease a car." Fuck off. You don't buy shit, you borrow. A mortgage is a debt. Even the word 'mortgage' has DEATH in it's etymology. "But, you put the responsibility on the bank, on the dealership, on the OTHER PERSON".

If you think that avoiding responsibilities by borrowing money is a valid suggestion, then here's my suggestion:

I can't afford to buy a house. Therefore I rent. "But then you're not MAKING any money in return" In return for what? I'm tired of this stupid argument. 

It's quite simple. I work for 3 things:
if I had a kid, I'd work for him/her to have all these things too.

I don't need to borrow $300,000 to make money. I can make rent with a couple hours of hustling a week and I'm fine with that. The day I have enough to buy/build a house, I will do just that. and if something happens and I'm in need of debt-notes, I'll do what I've always done! HUSTLE, WORK, GET THE WORM, HUNT DOWN THE GAZELLE, DO WHAT I GOT TO DO! and if worse comes to worse, there's always flippin burgers or working cruise ships. My point is that DEBT is NEVER an answer. You cannot borrow to get ahead. That is the simple answer. Your grandpa may have sold his house for double what he got it for, but guess what, the dollar is worth an eighth of what it was worth when he bought so it DON'T MEAN SHIT!

"I need a degree because it's harder to get a job without one." It's out of hand folks. This is not logical. The only jobs that REQUIRE degrees are SLAVE JOBS. They know that if you graduated from a school nobody can afford that you are in debt and are more likely to be an obedient slave who will take it up the sphincter everyday because you NEED the money. Skills pay the bills. It is nothing but conditioning to think that you HAVE to go to college to make a living. College is a conditioning center. Also, does $130k debt with interest justify making it 'easier' to get a job? It's beyond illogical. Debt = slavery.




My friend is probably gonna send me a pic of him riding his motorcycle down the PCH or something.

He desired to ride the motorcycle.
The sheep inside him probably told him the usual bullshit: You can hurt yourself. You've never done this. This isn't like riding a car. You're gonna have to take classes and a test to get a license, that requires a lot of time and money..
The BOSS inside him said 'fuck it, where do I sign up?'. Did he fail? Yes. Will he feel like a winner when he's having the time of his life? Yes.

and here's a Hall of Fame of people who FAILED their way to success:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Letter from Scott

Dear Sol Ark Ohm,

I come in Truth, Peace, and Love, and not necessarily in that order.

I can appreciate where, I think, you're coming from. I get a sense that you are deeply passionate about truth, justice, your own spirituality, and that of others. I think these are vital to us all and have a valid universal appeal.

But I also get a feeling of condescension to ''the masses'' and ''the sheep''. I hear what sounds like judgement upon the Elite as well as The Masses. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, both you and I know that I am; maybe instead of condescension and judgement you were just trying to blaze a path of truth/justice/knowledge within your writing, and a sensitive guy like me just wasn't hearing it correctly.

More to the point - I am one of the masses. Stupid and ignorant, BROKEN and vulnerable as the next person. And honestly, up until pretty recently, there was a part of me that felt absolute revulsion at the thought of this. I spent most of my life feeling deeply insecure about myself in many ways. Sure I still do sometimes now, but not like I did before. Now I feel something different.

I acknowledge the divine spark, the divine capacity, within humans. I believe that the true limit and capacity of the mind is the must unexplored frontier in our world on every level, I believe that with training, will power, and discipline, that anyone ever has the capacity to ''DO WHAT THOU WILT''. Time and science will prove that to the common man eventually, even though, as you know, there is a long written ''occult'' history of people who have lived that; pursued it cultivated it etc., for many hundreds/thousands of years. Occultists, rosicrucians, templars, illuminati, yogis sufis mystics of all walks, all the crowley shit etc etc etc. ad nauseum.

So - we all are of God, we have massive divine capacity that we barely understand in todays world and that your average person/sheep is clueless about. The secret, hidden in plain sight, as you said, is essentially: If we cultivated our minds properly we would have tremendous power, everything from influencing the physical world around us, to transmitting ideas receiving ideas influencing people, enriching our own experience of consciousness, higher levels of bliss in mind body and heart etc. This can all come under the topic of Power.

I think the pursuit of power, is the pursuit of self. I think the pursuit of self is destructive, unholy and truly evil. I acknowledge the human as a broken imperfect creature of flesh and bone. Yes we are of spirit but we are also human, rife with emotions and chaotic thoughts and generally just so much noise in between our ears. Even if we were complete masters of our minds and our divinity, our imperfection would still be a defining part of our existence. I hold this ''brokenness'' to be a fundamental and in-escapable part of living here on earth in this reality that we are all apart of. I also find this to be extremely liberating rather than any type of negative at all.

In a similar vein, this world is broken (also a liberating truth, ultimately). Man is imperfect, we ate the fruit, we can't tell our elbows from our asses, and as a result you have things like GREED running the show in today's ''civilized'' world. Add some deep insecurity, and some self righteous indignation into the emotional make up of a given individual in a position of exceptional power, and there is no limit to what atrocities man is capable of committing against itself. We systematically kill the planet out of our own bull headedness, racism murder rape genocide on and on, we are fucking this shit every which way all the time, we can all agree on that. Or rather, we really should agree to that more often, that way we could all be more honest with each other and maybe be more productive in responding to it better than we do. 

Here, it needs to be mentioned - I think you're doing important work and writing by bringing attention to the subtle and sinister systems of control and manipulation that are going on in today's world by people in extreme positions of power. We absolutely do need to wake people up, help alert people to whats going on, and just focus on getting people to give a shit about each other and this world instead of just indulging ourselves in selfishness, greed, insecurity and fear. I am all for that fight 100%, thats the Good fight right there.

But from your blog writing, I didn't get so much a ''call to the good fight'', as I did get a report of the generally sad state of affairs. And I also felt like an idiot for not knowing that the government was testing the waters with me by releasing blood diamond... I mean, I'm down for the good fight, I just don't get motivated to be apart of it when I feel am being condescended to, being called a sheep and one of the masses. I have dignity, endowed to me by my divine capacity, which is in every single one of us. This includes the shadowy elite evil prick whom you also allude to.

I have dignity endowed by my divine capacity, but I am still human. I'm guilty of being human and of being one of the masses. I have emotional baggage, I had imperfect parents who affected the person I became, I have a unique history just like everyone else; in other words, I have BIAS'. I'm imperfect. I have faith in God, so in my heart I've come to know I'm forgiven, and this allows me to forgive the world and people with it's many biases. That makes all of us just vulnerable humans all in this together with a whole bunch of baggage and shit between the lot of us. We're all imperfect, we ALL have bias, and we are all broken. 

So to me - this world is broken, humans are broken (every last one of us), and we have divine capacity to dramatically effect ourselves, others, and the world around us. So, do what thou wilt, right?

If the law is ''do what thou wilt'', followed up by ''love second to will'', then the world will just keep on being as eternally broken as it always has, people will continue to suffer greatly, and life will stay just as shitty as I am making it sound (and as shitty as it often actually is). If we are all subject to the whims, no matter how purified and developed, of mere humans, or even mere super humans, it doesn't change the fact that this world is still fucked and we are all still broken. People are hungry and dieing and suffering injustices because of ''do what thou wilt''. I don't believe its fair to say to these suffering people ''do what thou wilt'' and get yourself out of this. That puts too much pressure and responsibility for poor little vulnerable soft animal humans that we are, to bear; how can you tell someone born into poverty, subject to sex slavery, or more recently, innocent children in Uganda getting slaughtered cause their not the right tribe....where is ''do what thou wilt'' in this ocean of suffering that is this waking life here on earth?  Off in a cave learning how to feel God in every breath and everything ever, in clandestine circles indulging highly questionable motives.

If the law is ''Do what thou wilt'' then you'll never have any reason to go help or serve or sacrificially love people in any real way. You can and should keep on doing what you're doing, cause you are the God in this and its ''higher'' to pursue ''higher things'', or that you're doing more good or whatever it is; with this you aren't even the slightest bit responsible for your fellow man. You'll have an endless amount of stuff separating you from even seeing the suffering in people let alone actually helping someone, or doing something thats actually worth a damn.

I've come to fall in love with the opposite of the ''high'' and ''pure'', give me the low and dirty, give me the broken, the vulnerable, the REAL. I believe in seeing things as they are, and I believe in the Sacredness of Life. Humans are Broken, the world is broken, but I believe we are called to get out there and help as best we can. We are called to basically be with each other, help each other, and be merry. Help those in needs, make good food and have a party cause life is good and wonderful as it is without all our high and mighty deeply flawed and imperfect human ideas. I believe we have Dignity endowed to us by God, our Father and creator. To not pursue the self, but to SACRIFICE the self, in service to others, and in service to God. There is so much suffering and need among all humans in this world. THE MASSES!!

The masses are the suffering. I am a stupid broken human and I am part of the masses. The Exiled. The meek shall inherit the Earth. I want to align with these people, not the lofty and clandestine and powerful.

I'd rather ''love thy enemy'', sincerely in my heart rather than fester with hate and wrath or delusions of revolution or some vain grandeur. And it helps me to see the REAL enemies of this world, that I've already referred to a few times in this extended rant: greed, self loathing, insecurity, DECEPTION etc. In my opinion, this is all just one evil, the great deceiver satan the devil whatever. This thinking leaves the humans innocent, as they truly are. ''They know not what they do'', there fore, if they ''do what thou wilt'', they gonna fuck it up all sorts of ways. and we have and we do and we will. You can take that shit to the bank.

So I'm down with the good fight. I'm down with expanding the mind, exposing evil, and sincerely fighting and standing up to the truly evil things in this world. I just think it is extremely important, when talking about things of such grave consequence, to be as clear as possible about what we're talking about; Understanding who the REAL enemy is, and what is really happening in our world and to us as people.I recognize that my ideas are most likely extremely unpopular, and generally refused by most. I'm prepared to respond to the consequences and hold fast to what I know to be true. I would not be the first or last person to be shunned in someway for my views.

As I said, I come in Peace, Love and Truth. I feel strongly about these things as I feel you do to. You know me, I am a sensitive dude, and you know that I do try to flatter you often, cause I sincerely do have tremendous respect and admiration for you, as a person, as a musician, as a thinker, as someone who is deeply committed to truth and wisdom; and I like knowing and interacting with people like that, like you. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my original FB post, and for reading my extended response here. I agree that its important to have open dialogues about these things, but I recognize that it is really, really hard to do in general with most people, ever. IE its taken me a few days to finally getting around to responding to you in the way I wanted to, and I honestly am a little afraid about exposing my ideas here as much as I have. These topic touch nerves for people, values, spirituality, truth, God, purpose, I said we humans are a sensitive bunch, its not easy to have a clear conversation about such tumultuous topics, particularly in todays tumultuous world. Nevertheless its gotta start somewhere right??

With respect, love, and prayers of peace,



Scott, you want the opposite of the 'high' and 'pure', you want to embrace the broken and the vulnerable... yet you mistake what I call 'sheep' with the low and dirty and REAL.

This is what I consider REAL:

In each of these pictures/videos what do you see?

Hunters. People of Nature. Community building a house. Bird feeding her babies. Lion hunting for food.

Each of these is what I consider REAL.

These are the sheep I speak of. They are opposite of dirty (sweaty, hard working) and lowly (simple).

Obviously, I could go on with more examples. 

Scott, I am 100% for the REAL. Look at those Native Americans. They had it good. They were living in the REAL. 

Then this shit happened...

We could finally build this!

Of course, you already know this. I could understand that you would think by 'sheep' I mean 'anyone who is not elite' and by 'elite' you may think I mean 'extremely wealthy and politically powerful'.

These are sheep:

Notice the shepherd. The shepherd guides the sheep, feeds the sheep, bathes the sheep, gives the sheep a name. The sheep are energy units. Each individual sheep takes a certain amount of time and energy (timergy) from the farmer/shepherd but it wouldn't be a business if the sheep didn't produce more timergy than it took. Each sheep can provide wool, milk, babies (more sheep) and eventually it's own body (food). Each one of those things can be used by the farmer AND sold for money which can be reinvested into the business, family and self. 

Humans are energy units as well. Unfortunately, 99% of humans make themselves FOOD for the powerful. It is no secret that this power must be induced, it cannot be forced. It is the illusion of a matrix that creates the matrix. Some countries are so far into sheepledom that there is no turning back, but history proves that there is always a certain level of either involvement or indifference from the herd that is ESSENTIAL to the fulfillment of a greater agenda. 

shepherd Hitler

shepherd Bush

shepherd Obama

The trick to all of this is that there is always a figurehead that can be blamed. 

"I threw them into the gas chamber because Hitler told me to!"
"Don't blame Americans for the wars, blame Bush!"
"The economy is bad because of Obama!"

In here lies a great secret of power. Every job I ever worked, the employees hated their managers. Of course, the manager gets paid more and has more responsibility. If the store isn't selling, the manager is the first to get his ass handed to him by his boss. The real pimp in the situation is the guy in corporate sitting in a fancy desk, getting a 6-figure salary to 'oversee' the managers who oversee the employees, all while flying first class and eating at steakhouses 5 times a week on the 'company card'. The employees will take out all their frustrations and anger on the manager, hence why corporate hires the most obedient slaves to deal with the bottom level employees. This manager acts as a buffer between the human slave and the slave master. I call it slave and master because the boss always gains the MOST time and energy while the employees expend the most, all in the name of money, a 'steady check'.

This principle applies to political and religious pyramids.

In todays world, the shepherd doesn't even have to be present. He may show himself once in a while, but with modern technology, our masters may as well be hiding in a paradise on the planet Venus. We'd STILL OBEY!

Follow the Holy Pope on Twitter! Now you can get notifications from God's right hand man..

Scott... How far away is society from this:

It seems silly that this man is talking to this light-up picture. But aren't the sheep already there?

Do they not depend and rely on their material and human gods? Scott, this trickles down to every area of life. Everything is GIVEN. Everyone DEPENDS.

Part of the code is that they have to change the figureheads once in a while. They might even create an illusion that the 'people' chose their new masters, a mentality that will not only keep them docile but involved in the fulfillment of the overall agenda. Libya, Egypt, Venezuela, Ukraine, all echoes of the past. There is always someone behind the curtain, pulling the strings EASILY by taking advantage of the weaknesses of man. I would love to fight the good fight with my 'fellow Americans' but they don't even know who they are fighting or what they are fighting for! It's a dangerous game to play. I rolled the dice a couple times...

I almost fell for it, Scott. When all that started, I knew there were certain kinds of sheep. But this took it to a whole new level. For a moment I thought that people had woken up!  

but not really... just more ASKING the government to change, BEGGING the politicians to change, WISHING and HOPING that everything around them will change, still putting the power in the hands of their leaders, PRETENDING to be revolutionaries.

oops. I meant:

For every move OWS made, the masters made a thousand. This country is even MORE FUCKED now than it was before the protests! All it took to stop it were a couple uniformed police officers... probably because the Pope tweeted that resisting arrest is against God's will, or maybe George Soros offered to pay everyone's iPhone bill for a couple months. Either way, what's a revolution when the government/law enforcement can just wave a magic wand and say, "Ok, party's over. Time to leave." 

You can fight the good fight, you can be selfish and just take care of yourself. Either way, do it FOR REAL. If you want to stand with the low and dirty, stand with the REAL low and dirty. These kidults who borrowed 150k for a 4 year cruise-ship experience CHOSE their slavery. These 'educated' Americans who thought the system was built just for them, borrowed half a million from the bank in hopes of getting rich with the real estate bubble just to lose it all when it crashed, they CHOSE their misery. Everyone chooses to put all their information on Facebook. Everyone chooses to have the more expensive phone, even when they have debts to pay. Everyone chooses to go to the cooler more expensive school. They aren't the low and dirty, they are simply suffering the consequences of their actions. 

Either way, what help are you to anyone else if you are in their same position?

If you are truly happy, doing what it is that you love to do, enjoying  your time on Earth, then you are in the 1%.