Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Go Home

play this as a soundtrack for this post

Beethoven's Symphony in A Major op. 92 - II, Allegretto 

There comes a point where one must take on all that is left to be taken on. For all the humans on this planet, all the information on the internet and all the interaction on social media, there is still SO MUCH INFORMATION that nobody seems to be presenting. I get paranoid sometimes because I know that there is an agreement between some humans to keep certain things a secret, but somehow, I haven't had to take any oaths. A mundane person would conclude that I don't know shit, hence my lack of involvement in the secret societies of the elite. I know that's not true, however. The reality is that there are two real secret societies on this planet and at some point, these societies have to reveal all that has been hidden. There comes a point where those who carry the torches must put the torch down and go back for all those they promised to lead out of slavery. The promised land has been found, yet everyone who has found it seem to have created an alternate exclusive society within that garden, completely excluding the rest of their human family, only interacting with them to condition them into remaining in the darkness.

At some point, someone must see the truth and destroy the fake institution that is blocking the gate to enlightenment.  Someone must be willing to rise up and risk it all in order to free their brothers and sisters from the chains of ignorance. 

Now is that time, my friends. The truth is now. 

The reality is that the 'llluminati' (just a stupid name for the obvious secret society that exerts power of the masses) is a false institution. They only know what they have been allowed to understand, which isn't much. They have a false understand of the nature of the Universe and God. They claim to have the Philosopher's Stone yet it is more like a pebble hidden underneath mountains of man-made webs. Do not be fooled, for a man should be judged by the fruit of his labor. The world as we know it today is completely fucked because the people that control it follow a false light. Their entire power is based on the fact that the masses are as prone to following an illusion as they are. They are the Wizards of Oz. Old men who only understand the science of deception. 

Just like the Wizard, these people can't really give you what you need. They only operate in the material world. Not all 'Illuminatis' are bad, but the most enlightened people on this planet have no interest in taking oaths of secrecy and deception. All of that is based on FEAR. They are afraid of you who might kill them for what they know. Their entire approach is based on a false premise to begin with. They are the deceived deceiving those who want to be deceived. And their institution is a vein through all that is powerful in this material world: the Vatican, the 'intelligence' community, the occult, the banks, the scientists, agriculture and law. Yet look at what it has produced. Don't believe them when they say human evolution is contingent on the de-humanizing and/or depopulating of the masses. 

There is but one law. That law is creativity. Your creative impulse is the GREATEST WEAPON on the planet. Use it! It is the key to unlocking your great potential. What is your creative impulse? LOVE

By LOVE, I mean the desire, the impulse, the craving to UNITE with that which you have been separated from. Your true HOME. 

Today is the day you should give up the sadness. There will be suffering, but it's the kind of suffering that gets you home. It's the story of the hero. You must walk through Oz, you must walk through the hallway of scorpions and spiders, your courage must be tested, but you should NEVER give it all up and submit to the will of a few other HUMANS. We can all feel it. We all want to go home, back to that place where we are safe, happy, sharing, equal, in love, yet we are stranded here. Today is the day you stop believing in politicians, bankers and any one else whose plan has nothing to do with the human creative potential. Tyranny kills creativity, socialism kill creativity. Both sides are against us. What we need to do is stop pretending that we can't all get along. Don't you see that the entire idea of these world wars are the concoctions of a few manipulative people? I live in a fucking mixing pot and every gets along, unless someone disrespects another.  But what the elite are doing is offering a solution to a problem that THEY created and YOU accepted. 

I promise I will get into presenting some more research type stuff, but I need to get the ball rolling, I do not post enough. I need to reiterate this message though, this is the KEY to being HAPPY. You have a connection with something greater than you, something that protects all life. It is humans that fuck shit up. Start the process now, whether it's meditating, making some ballsy decisions or doing some real research, start to understand what YOUR potential is. When you start that path, you'll realize that there is no more reason to hate, to be jealous, to scheme. You will realize that it is all about the decisions you make and whether or not they are moving you closer or further away from HOME.

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