Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Go Home

play this as a soundtrack for this post

Beethoven's Symphony in A Major op. 92 - II, Allegretto 

There comes a point where one must take on all that is left to be taken on. For all the humans on this planet, all the information on the internet and all the interaction on social media, there is still SO MUCH INFORMATION that nobody seems to be presenting. I get paranoid sometimes because I know that there is an agreement between some humans to keep certain things a secret, but somehow, I haven't had to take any oaths. A mundane person would conclude that I don't know shit, hence my lack of involvement in the secret societies of the elite. I know that's not true, however. The reality is that there are two real secret societies on this planet and at some point, these societies have to reveal all that has been hidden. There comes a point where those who carry the torches must put the torch down and go back for all those they promised to lead out of slavery. The promised land has been found, yet everyone who has found it seem to have created an alternate exclusive society within that garden, completely excluding the rest of their human family, only interacting with them to condition them into remaining in the darkness.

At some point, someone must see the truth and destroy the fake institution that is blocking the gate to enlightenment.  Someone must be willing to rise up and risk it all in order to free their brothers and sisters from the chains of ignorance. 

Now is that time, my friends. The truth is now. 

The reality is that the 'llluminati' (just a stupid name for the obvious secret society that exerts power of the masses) is a false institution. They only know what they have been allowed to understand, which isn't much. They have a false understand of the nature of the Universe and God. They claim to have the Philosopher's Stone yet it is more like a pebble hidden underneath mountains of man-made webs. Do not be fooled, for a man should be judged by the fruit of his labor. The world as we know it today is completely fucked because the people that control it follow a false light. Their entire power is based on the fact that the masses are as prone to following an illusion as they are. They are the Wizards of Oz. Old men who only understand the science of deception. 

Just like the Wizard, these people can't really give you what you need. They only operate in the material world. Not all 'Illuminatis' are bad, but the most enlightened people on this planet have no interest in taking oaths of secrecy and deception. All of that is based on FEAR. They are afraid of you who might kill them for what they know. Their entire approach is based on a false premise to begin with. They are the deceived deceiving those who want to be deceived. And their institution is a vein through all that is powerful in this material world: the Vatican, the 'intelligence' community, the occult, the banks, the scientists, agriculture and law. Yet look at what it has produced. Don't believe them when they say human evolution is contingent on the de-humanizing and/or depopulating of the masses. 

There is but one law. That law is creativity. Your creative impulse is the GREATEST WEAPON on the planet. Use it! It is the key to unlocking your great potential. What is your creative impulse? LOVE

By LOVE, I mean the desire, the impulse, the craving to UNITE with that which you have been separated from. Your true HOME. 

Today is the day you should give up the sadness. There will be suffering, but it's the kind of suffering that gets you home. It's the story of the hero. You must walk through Oz, you must walk through the hallway of scorpions and spiders, your courage must be tested, but you should NEVER give it all up and submit to the will of a few other HUMANS. We can all feel it. We all want to go home, back to that place where we are safe, happy, sharing, equal, in love, yet we are stranded here. Today is the day you stop believing in politicians, bankers and any one else whose plan has nothing to do with the human creative potential. Tyranny kills creativity, socialism kill creativity. Both sides are against us. What we need to do is stop pretending that we can't all get along. Don't you see that the entire idea of these world wars are the concoctions of a few manipulative people? I live in a fucking mixing pot and every gets along, unless someone disrespects another.  But what the elite are doing is offering a solution to a problem that THEY created and YOU accepted. 

I promise I will get into presenting some more research type stuff, but I need to get the ball rolling, I do not post enough. I need to reiterate this message though, this is the KEY to being HAPPY. You have a connection with something greater than you, something that protects all life. It is humans that fuck shit up. Start the process now, whether it's meditating, making some ballsy decisions or doing some real research, start to understand what YOUR potential is. When you start that path, you'll realize that there is no more reason to hate, to be jealous, to scheme. You will realize that it is all about the decisions you make and whether or not they are moving you closer or further away from HOME.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

I Am a Star

Welcome, Bitches.

Another glorious day. Hail Satan, err, I mean acquaintances Chrizzums.

Where do I start? Humans get dumber and dumber every day.

It must be 3 years now that I was awakened to the sacred scriptures of the Most Pimpin' Benevolent Hives. What first came across as negative and hilarious entertainment soon proved to be ancient code wrapped in thorns. 

I have yet to completely break the code. However, on my path to breaking it, I have discovered a multitude of secrets, truths, hacks and keys to personal success. The reality is that it is easier to know the truth than it is to apply it and win in life. I'm here to win IN LIFE. I'm not here to compete against anyone. I'm here to win for ME. I am learning to be more SELFISH in my life approach. That doesn't mean that I don't love and care for people, it just means that I want to be king of my throne so I can better help the people I love and care for. Some of us are naturally generous. Some of us are naturally possessive and self-contained. Do What Thou Wilt under the law of Love. 

we've seen Gold go up and down and up and down. What it means to me is that the bubble is about to burst. The dollar cannot possible hold up under these circumstances. Trillions in debt. an ever increasing war/occupation abroad. Foreign aid. No stability in government. 

The real question isn't whether the dollar will crash or not, the question is, what will happen when it does? 

I don't trust theories or law, unless it's related to Nature itself. As far as I'm concerned, the dollar can crash and the banks can still find a way to keep gold devalued. Gold has it's value in technology and alchemical qualities, but as a financial investment, you're basically playing chess against the bankers and the bankers have a super-computer choosing their moves. 

The other thing to consider is that panic is not an option. There is always a multitude of ways to SUCCEED no matter the circumstances. That is the game of life. Find the winning strategy. Sometimes, the more difficult the challenge, the higher the reward. 

This is where the majority lose the game every time. They hit the panic button. There is always a way. Life doesn't give a figgity fuck if you play to win, to lose or if you play at all. The game is on and you're a part of it. Lately, I've had to deal with a bunch of quitters. 



I've made the mistake of trying to make things happen with these bums. I'm a musician. I'm surrounded by them. But my game is to climb out of the crab barrel, not to make excuses like a little bitch and quit and resort to drugs and drinking as an escape route from reality. 

Isn't everyone escaping? These weakened masses. All escaping. All the time.

the 9 to 5. Escape TRUE responsibility.

it's the plot of 1984. Orwell, you son of a bitch.

are you all blind or am I exclusively stupid?

maybe a bit of both. however, there is a difference between my life and the life of most. the proof is in the overall results compared to the amount of 'work' or 'suffering' involved.

In a satan-damned cubicle, who the fuck are you? You're just staring into a computer fulfilling whatever obligation the next guy in line ordered you to fulfill. You went to some bullshit 'name-brand' university, indebted yourself (or your parents) over $100,000 in a constantly-inflating, interestet accruing government loan and now you sit in a hive punching away at a computer, excreting all your creative and individual energy into something you hardly understand. You are truly a delusional and well-conditioned animal living in a hologram, a matrix, a human-designed (smarter than you) matrix where your 'job' neither adds or subtracts from the Great Work of the Universe other than to perpetuate the hive. 

You are this guy. 

while you think you are in a real honeycomb out in the Nature, fulfilling God's work or Nature's work, you are really in this fun little controlled environment that you can feel but can't see or understand, just like the bees don't really understand their keeper.

and you aren't being used for anything important. you're just being processed to end up in a box of fucking honeycombs. 

and eventually in a fucking toilet seat so you can be processed again into feed for the animals that will be killed for the sheeple to eat.

What does it contribute? What do the elite get out of it?


It's just a matter of time. Slowly but surely, the lobster in the boiling pot goes from taking a nice bath to being dipped into a butter and enjoyed with a nice glass of white wine. 

I'm talking about you.

You are stuck in a matrix.

With your mind, spirit and will you can break down your prison.

and enjoy the life in front of you. You chose to be a slave. You can also choose to be a fucking baller.

Your work is nothing but an escape from reality designed to give you the sensation of purpose while keeping you locked into an oroborous-like matrix where the system eats it's own tail while the elite try to figure out what to do with themselves. 

and to make a long story short,

it's all an escape


I'm guilty as well, folks.





unfortunately, reality isn't as comfortable as your probably used to

this is the dead end street I reach with almost all my friends, family, acquaintances...



Well... you fucking pussies. Stay there.

But, for those you want to keep going down the rabbit hole. There is an important question here.

IF 'society' isn't reality, then what the fuck is?

I can point you in the right direction, but you must climb that mountain yourself.

Honesty is the best policy. You have to first admit the ways that you are attached to the nipple of the new world order. You are in some way. Whether it's credit card debt, collecting government welfare, obesity, reliance on pharmaceutical drugs, drug use, alcoholism, slave job, no time, obsession with politics/sports/video games/religion... the list goes on.

then you must grow the balls, and I mean serious balls to detach as per the instruction video above.

If you want to evolve. You must unplug.





you must use your REAL EYES

the ones you've never used before... or maybe once.

you must be yourself first amongst all things
there is a veil cloaked over humanity
actually more of a multi layered quilt, layered to the point of absolute obscurity.
it is only money that moves society. paper.

God goes by 1000 names. Let's go through a few.

there is a veil.
reality is hidden from plain sight.
reality is occulted from the minds of the people.
reality is super-imposed with a man-made code, a program, a perfectly organized system designed to not only control, but to harness.

because all humans are stars..

you are a star. 

I am a star. 

and like any other source of energy, you are 'resource' eligible. You are eligible to be mined, dug, excavated and sold by anyone willing to make a profit, material or spiritual, on you. 

What I want to share with you, I don't even fully understand. But I've seen the mountaintop, so to speak. I know a way out of the Matrix.


Unfortunately, the path to freedom cannot be expressed in direct terms.
There is a reason why many of the most revealing texts are clouded in metaphor, prose and plain ole bullshit. 
The reason is that exposure to reality can be jarring. 
Reality can be like seeing the sun for the first time. It's the meaning behind Plato's Allegory of the Cave. It's this scene in the Matrix:

There is a reason the so-called 'Illuminati' are so hesitant to reveal it all.

What is the truth?

to be continued....

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Wizard of Oz keeps it REAL

The illuminati don't control you.

They create and control input-output situations.

99% to 1% is the meme of today's Facebook revolutionaries. 

How insulting! The masses know they outnumber the 'so-called' elite yet they do nothing about it. 

The illuminati don't control you.

They just create and control input-output situations. 

When you realize the truth, all of a sudden, LIKE MAGIC, you awaken your potential and snap out of your cocoon of fear, weakness, indifference and detachment.

This scene reveals several truths. The funny thing is what the 'wizard' says to them. He represents the benevolent elite. First of all, notice how he does not use force to get rid of them or deny their wishes. Even though he has created this illusory world of 'chaotic' things, he is generous in his 'granting' of their sheepish desires. Pay attention to his words to each character. 

"Anyone can have a brain! It's a mediocre commodity... back where I come from, we have Universities...where men go to become great thinkers and when they come out they think deep thoughts, and with no more brains than you have!' (LOL) But of course what he REALLY wants is the degree, the Doctor of 'Thinkology'! 

All of a sudden he spits some 'college-babble' and thinks he's smart!

The IRONY!!!!

I'll explain for you dummies out there who still don't get what the meaning is here.

THE ELITE HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER YOU! Like he said, ALL living creatures possess a brain. All the elite can offer you is DEBT in the of a ThD aka worthless degree. Intelligence is up to the individual. Yet people all over the country walk around with a stick up their ass because they went to college, even though all they have to show is the result of primitive memorization, COLLEGE BABBLE. 

"Oh my God! How can I ever thank you!"


What does the Lion seeking courage get?

"You're not seeking courage,,,where I come from we have men called heroes and once a year they get to parade down the street... what you really want is a Medal! You just want to be TOLD that you're brave and that's enough because if you wanted courage, you'd face  your fears and not come to me like a coward. How you gonna ask another man to bestow courage on you? Well guess what, I'm an elite and I'm benevolent and I'ma give you what you want to the best of your ability. 

Just need your credit card number and a signature right here, thanks!"

Same with the Tin Man asking for the heart. The Elite reveals that he just wants a formal testimonial stating that he has heart. The little 'token' of appreciation is all it takes. And then the Wizard instructs him to remember that heart is not about loving, it's about what other people think of you, which of course is a lie and exactly what the Masses believe. 


The Elite have nothing to offer.

So all this shit:

was and STILL IS a waste of time.

The only change that could ever happen, the only way to void the Illuminati's power is to ignore their traps. Of course, what the Wizard of Oz reveals is that their traps are only set up for humans who just want to be TOLD and SHOWN that they are something. Most debt accumulated in America is the result of greed, posing and laziness. 

Intelligence is FREE. One does not need to pay 100k for intelligence. Of course, what they're really paying for is the DEGREE, not intelligence. I find it fascinating that no one talks about the fact that you can walk into and NYU bookstore and get the same books that these kids are paying, sorry, excuse me, BORROWING to be READ TO by 'professors' (LOL I profess knowledge, even the word is revealing) who are as half-brained as they are. 


The REAL INTELLIGENT guy which of course is the college dropout.

Or the guy who never went to college.

The BEST artists know that going to college for art/music is a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY.

You're right Miles, I shouldn't say too much!

It's OK. 

Because what the average human really wants is to AVOID SELF-RESPONSIBILITY.

All the elite do is dangle the opportunity for you to sit back, relax and let them take care of life for you. All you have to give in return is your life in the form of permanent debt, ignorance, stress, sickness and a life where you NEVER FOLLOW YOUR TRUE DREAMS.


Because they can.

So what are you gonna do about it?

You gonna sit around and wait for daddy to hand you a carbon-copy pre-packaged pre-cooked version of life OR ARE YOU GONNA GRAB LIFE BY THE BALLS AND LIVE IT THE WAY YOU WANT TO!

Guess what, NOBODY WILL STOP YOU. Just like the WIZARD of OZ didn't kill them for exposing his game. They don't have to because they know that 99% of humans will never see what's right in front of them.....

Thursday, April 17, 2014


type in illuminati backwards and add .com

ok ill do it for you...      www.itanimulli.com

just another inside joke... 

think about it...

Gentrification: Descending the Social Ladder

I grew up 30 minutes outside of NYC. I remember what Brooklyn used to be like.

But I'm not here to rant on hipsters and how much I hate the current gentrification of Brooklyn and Harlem. I'm here to burst their bubble and expose the truth behind Hipsterdom.

I'll make it really simple.

In 2014, we are beyond 'race' being a factor in social politics. The card game is over and now it's time for everyone to pay up. I was conditioned to believe that white people were 'better off' in this country, that things were easier for them, that being a minority can be an obstacle to being a free meember of society. The truth is that white people have been BORROWING. All those McMansions in Suburbia next to the mall with the Applebee's in the parking lot were never PAID for. All those middle class, upper middle, upper upper middle were nothing more than SHEEP in the matrix. Now it's time to pay up, now that the country is trillions in debt, there is no more room to borrow, so the solution??


You see. One thing nobody gets is that the suburbs are now being taken over by minorities. While people in the hood may have been on unemployment or food stamps or subsidized housing, the cost was NOTHING compared to the people who BORROWED for college, BORROWED for new car, BORROWED for nice house in suburbs, BORROWED to bet on tech stocks and bubble markets.

It's only a matter of time before the glitz and glamour of organic coffee shops and artisinal pizza and swanky lounges disappears. all those business are built on BORROWED MONEY. If you observe Nature, the first thing you learn is that everything operates in cycles. You cannot just borrow and borrow AND live and luxury without eventually PAYING the consequences. The elite KNOW this. That's why college prices are going UP and UP. Now you can go to Jazz School for $60,000 a year and move to Bushwick to play tip jar gigs at Spike Hill. Makes perfect sense!!!!

"SIGN RIGHT HERE! ONLY $60,000! Trust me, you'll make at least $100,000 with this 'Jazz Performance' degree. Just need your SSN, credit card number and account number!"

One thing that keeps them going is that their parents seem to be doing just fine. WRONG again. Everyone of  our parents generation wishes they had a permanent IV of morphine to keep them sedated as they try to figure out next week's mortgage payment, insurance bills, car loans and credit bills. 

America, the great United States, is doomed for complete and utter SHEEPLEDOM.

The only way you can be free WHEN shit really hits the fan is to pay your debts and start thinking for yourself. The elite do not force this upon anyone. Nobody forced mommy and daddy to borrow $350,000 for the house, nobody guaranteed the housing market would keep going up. Nobody guaranteed that what you pay for college will be made back. Nobody FORCES you to do shit. You can start a business today with $1 if you are smart enough. But you choose to live a life where everything comes EASY and like they say, GOOD THINGS COME FROM HARD WORK. 

If you do not earn what you have, EVENTUALLY YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY.


If you do not earn what you have, EVENTUALLY YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO PAY
and when you can't pay, they will have SOLUTIONS. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Psychic Vampires

Gotta watch out for them! We've all come across them. People in your life that seem to TAKE all your energy while giving NOTHING in return. They're called 'psychic vampires' or 'energy leeches'.  In my mind, they are naught but symbols of the Pythagorean demons or gate keepers that one must battle on the path to enlightenment.

I've come across several in my life. I'm just going to point out a couple key characteristics:

- They play stupid and desperate, even though they are extremely intelligent

- They constantly exude poverty, sickness and/or depression. Some may be all those things, but usually it's a method of inducing generosity and favors. This is something that they learn to do as a child.

- they constantly put you in awkward and embarrassing situations, especially in public.

- if they are good vampires, they will have a few other victims who will usually always be around them. They are great at maintaining false 'friendships' to veil their need to feed.

- you have given much to them (money, clothes, shelter, gigs, connections/other friends, emotional support) and have received nothing in return.

- they are especially absent when you are in a bind or have your back against the wall.

- you spend a lot of time around them, but they always seem to have lots of things going on that you are in the dark about.

The only way to avoid permanent mental comatose via psychic vampire is to either cut them off completely or reverse the situation. Either, it's in your interest to guard your time and energy from such people.

I avoid reversing the situation because I firmly believe that most energy leeches are suffering from either past trauma or mental disability.

However, if you believe you've been wronged, you can take the vampire for everything he's got. This way you may replenish lost blood (energy, time, money). Seeing himself in another destroys him.


I'd rather avoid them altogether.

Everyone on the planet takes and gives energy, but vampires are those whose survival is based upon draining others of their life-force.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fail Like a Boss

from an email i got this morning:

""ah yes. failed my motorcycle test like a boss today. now im gonna pass it next time around and burn some rubber...."

Ah, how these words warm my soul in this cold season. It's like a sip of coquito on a snowy day, or a good IPA after a hard day's work. Failure. The essence of success. The key to achievement. 

Everyone seems to be afraid of failure, settling for less to avoid confronting any situation where they may have their backs against the wall. 

Hence the popularity of FAIL videos:

Go ahead. Laugh. Enjoy them!

But make sure you are doing some failing in your life.

"I'm afraid to lose all my money!"
"I'm afraid it's not gonna work!"
"I'm afraid she won't be into me!"
"I'm afraid if I try to fix it, I'll just make it worse!"

That's all just you being a PUSSY and having NO BALLS.
I'm tired of hearing everyone talking about all the things they WISH they could do.

EVERYONE falls the first time

Gotta love Morpheus' words: "You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt and disbelief. FREE YOUR MIND."

There is no spoon. There is no Matrix. There is no Illuminati.

Start that business.
Start that band.
Go to that place you've always wanted.
Ask that girl for her number.
Stand up to that bully.
Try out for the team.
Whatever it is, when you fail at it, get up, brush your shoulders off and TRY AGAIN like a BOSS.

There is you and there is what you're willing to do. What do you WANT and are you willing to GET IT?

Yes, humans are imperfect, but you embrace the imperfection by embracing FAIL. You must FAIL to WIN.

Will the sheep point and laugh? Yes.
Will anyone pat you on the back for succeeding? No.

The sheep will always come up with excuses for your winning. They will find any reason to NOT TRY. and why do I talk about this? Because this 'fear of failure' is conducive to many of the silent weapons used to keep the masses in check.

Credit cards, college, insurance, big government: all results of human fear.

"I need it just in case I run out of money" which is like saying "I need it just in case the sun doesn't come up" or "I need it just in case the oceans dry up". Money is the enslaver of the masses, it will never run out, it is as abundant as the sunshine and ocean water. Yet, a lifetime of DEBT is IMPOSSIBLE to overcome. Fear money and act on it and you will be enslaved by it. What starts as 'just in case' becomes  "I need good credit" to 'I'll put it on my card' becomes "I have negative money" becomes 'I'm completely fucked".

I've been 'talked to' many times about this. "You need good credit to buy a house and lease a car." Fuck off. You don't buy shit, you borrow. A mortgage is a debt. Even the word 'mortgage' has DEATH in it's etymology. "But, you put the responsibility on the bank, on the dealership, on the OTHER PERSON".

If you think that avoiding responsibilities by borrowing money is a valid suggestion, then here's my suggestion:

I can't afford to buy a house. Therefore I rent. "But then you're not MAKING any money in return" In return for what? I'm tired of this stupid argument. 

It's quite simple. I work for 3 things:
if I had a kid, I'd work for him/her to have all these things too.

I don't need to borrow $300,000 to make money. I can make rent with a couple hours of hustling a week and I'm fine with that. The day I have enough to buy/build a house, I will do just that. and if something happens and I'm in need of debt-notes, I'll do what I've always done! HUSTLE, WORK, GET THE WORM, HUNT DOWN THE GAZELLE, DO WHAT I GOT TO DO! and if worse comes to worse, there's always flippin burgers or working cruise ships. My point is that DEBT is NEVER an answer. You cannot borrow to get ahead. That is the simple answer. Your grandpa may have sold his house for double what he got it for, but guess what, the dollar is worth an eighth of what it was worth when he bought so it DON'T MEAN SHIT!

"I need a degree because it's harder to get a job without one." It's out of hand folks. This is not logical. The only jobs that REQUIRE degrees are SLAVE JOBS. They know that if you graduated from a school nobody can afford that you are in debt and are more likely to be an obedient slave who will take it up the sphincter everyday because you NEED the money. Skills pay the bills. It is nothing but conditioning to think that you HAVE to go to college to make a living. College is a conditioning center. Also, does $130k debt with interest justify making it 'easier' to get a job? It's beyond illogical. Debt = slavery.




My friend is probably gonna send me a pic of him riding his motorcycle down the PCH or something.

He desired to ride the motorcycle.
The sheep inside him probably told him the usual bullshit: You can hurt yourself. You've never done this. This isn't like riding a car. You're gonna have to take classes and a test to get a license, that requires a lot of time and money..
The BOSS inside him said 'fuck it, where do I sign up?'. Did he fail? Yes. Will he feel like a winner when he's having the time of his life? Yes.

and here's a Hall of Fame of people who FAILED their way to success: